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Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center has collaborated with DownSyndrome Achieves (DSA) to launch a research biobank (DSA Biobank), which serves as a central repository for biospecimens donated by individuals with Down syndrome and their immediate families.  DSA Biobank is a parent led organisation.

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Down Syndrome Ireland is a national organisation, who's mission is to support people with Down syndrome, their families and the professional community, working towards an improved quality of life for our members along with a respect and acceptance of people with Down syndrome as valued members of society.

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The Down Syndrome Centre was established in 2014 to provide vital services to children with Down syndrome aged 18 and under.  Their charities mission is "to create a centre dedicated to providing support and services to families and carers of people with Down syndrome; helping them to reach their full potential and creating a brighter future."

Centro Internacional para la Investigación del Microbioma del Síndrome de Down

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